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What Role is Imran Khan’s Government Playing in Advancement of Education Standard of University?

One of Imran Khan's government's primary focus is on upgrading the educational scenario of Pakistan. Since more than 50% of our population is below thirty years, it is crucial to make education easily accessible for everyone, without compromising on the quality. Imran Khan, himself is a highly educated man and has hired exceptionally knowledgeable and capable members in his government - hence, people are hopeful that he will make reforms that will bring about a positive change in field of education.

  • Depoliticizing All Educational Institutes

As implemented through his governance in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Imran Khan is striving to cut off all political influences on every educational institutional level. In this manner, Imran Khan hopes to provide some form of autonomy to the respective educational institutes so that their aims are strictly restricted to providing quality education without imposing personal, political interests.

  • Reconstruction of Earthquake Impacted Schools in KPK

With a hefty amount of right billion rupees being invested in the reconstruction of schools in KPK, Imran Khan aims at providing accessible education once again in the areas that have been deprived of it since the devastating earthquake. Although the former government made a similar promise, but failed to get substantial results. The reconstruction project of seven hundred and sixty schools will open doors for several students who have been displaced from their dilapidated school buildings.

  • Bridging the Gap Between Public and Private Educational Institutions

One of Imran Khan’s most ambitious dreams is to bridge the educational gap between the public and private sector. A general nonchalance and substandard quality of education is seen in public institutions – this can partly be credited to the fact that the government teachers are duly paid their salaries without any vigilantes keeping check of their presence. Quite remarkably, Imran Khan wishes to chance this dynamic and has also successfully managed to do so in KPK; where a surprising number of 32,000 students willingly transferred from private institutions to public – since the level of education, in the latter, had been significantly improved without any difference in the fees.

  • Incorporating the Use of Technology in the Educational System

Our educational system is already far behind as compared with global standards. While Imran Khan’s government is striving to help our public institutions to stay abreast with the private ones, he also wishes to create a more technologized PhD educational learning. Moreover, Imran Khan wishes to make significant reforms in the fields of science, technology and mathematics since these three basic subjects can help make significant breakthroughs in developing our economy. Imran Khan is smart enough to realize that investing in education – by providing a more interactive and advanced manner of learning – will simultaneously upgrade the economy. Also increasing the literacy rate. These “smart school” ideas must be effectively piloted in localized areas so that once they are known to bring out the desired results, the maybe implemented everywhere in Pakistan.

  • Improving Skill Development and Technical Training

Imran Khan’s educational reforms are not merely restricted to upgrading the basic quality of education, but they explore all dynamics of making more competent and knowledgeable individuals. Hence, he has additionally focused on the technical training and skill development of graduates and undergrads so that they are well equipped to perform better within their capacity and respective fields. This is a highly crucial requirement since students tend to study in rote learn manner and graduate with bookish knowledge which hampers them from instantly exceling in their practical field. Thus, if the teachers are already more focused upon building the students’ skill set rather than taking frequent tests, the students will be able to learn the necessary skills required in the professional field better.

  • Youth Development and Employment Opportunities

Imran Khan has always appealed to the younger generation, since his days as a successful cricketer. Hence, it is no surprise that he has been advocating for youth development programs. In most of his speeches he also directly addresses the younger audience and abets them to seriously take up the responsibility of improving Pakistan’s economic situation. After all, they are the inevitable future of Pakistan and it is only better that they must be sensitized about this issue earlier.

Moreover, since Imran Khan’s reforms are largely revolving round investing in and improving the economy and education of Pakistan, he is also working on the collective goal of increasing job opportunities for both fresh graduates and experienced workers. Hence, by providing the students with an advanced skill set will help them secure better jobs.

Although Imran Khan’s government has a very reassuring and an optimistic approach, there are still many challenges that he must overcome before he can attain substantial success. Only recently, the sudden high rates of inflation and the increase in taxes has caused a disagreement amongst the people who believed Imran Khan would achieve quite the opposite of this. Petrol prices are increasing and the dollar has become equivalent to one fifty rupees – there is a profound amount of pressure on Imran Khan to reverse our economic situation just as he promised.

But here is the catch, since Pakistan has been in debt since years now, the sudden inflation is actually helping us pay back this loan. It will be a tough year for Pakistanis, but we must strive to bear this time with sagacity and patience – by investing in local markets and buying local products. Students should be dedicated towards their studies and instead of fleeing abroad for better employment opportunities, start working here by running smaller social setups or enterprises. If you are already established abroad, it would be a favor if you were to offer to teach the skill set you learnt from there – if not entirely forsake your job.

Under Imran Khan’s strong leadership, it is our responsibility as a nation that we perform whatever tasks we can within our capacity so as to work towards our joint goal of improving Pakistan’s educational standard and economy.  

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