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Components of ACCA Report and What Are the Best Choice Topics for ACCA Students for Thesis Writing?

ACCA thesis reports can be tricky, especially since students have to manage passing timely papers as well. Hence, some of you may think of it as a draining, time consuming process. But with the growth of mentorship through several online platforms, you can rest assured that you will get the professional help needed to get you through one of the toughest academic ventures of your life.

Before you go ahead with choosing your topic, you must have a look at the components of a typical ACCA report:

  • Introduction
  • Principle-based framework
  • Relationship with stakeholders

Mostly these three areas are extensively explored in a typical thesis report. Hence, having a profound knowledge and understanding of the parameters in relation to the topic of your choice is crucial. This framework has been set by the International Reporting Council; hence you are required to conform to it in all your report writings.

Before picking out the best topic of your choice, it is emphasized that you thoroughly read the instructions and then pick out the topic as well as the relevant subject organization. Moreover, it is crucial that you decide to write on a topic that you are most comfortable in, have a fair amount of understanding or and are genuinely interested in it. Most students tend to pick topics as advised by their mentors, but they tend to lose interest midway or provide substandard work. Hence, choosing a topic that appeals to you is important; for in the end it is your thesis report!

Furthermore, before jumping to discuss the best choice topics, here is an outline of the general approach to picking out a topic for research:

  1. Avoid Choosing a Highly Popular Thesis Topic

You may be advised that choosing a very popular thesis topic will save you time spent on primary research – since the material is extensive and readily available online. But it is recommended that you steer clear from such topics. Quite frankly, they have been so overused and presented in different ways that your future company’s executives would be saturated and disinterested in it.

  1. Refrain Research Writing in Entirely Unique Studies

Studies that may be exceptional unique, specified to a particular aspect of ACCA or similar new in your subject area should be avoid like the plague! You may resort to this approach after reading the first point, but in practical situations, choosing an entirely new topic can be draining when it comes to conducting primary research – furthermore, it increases your chances of failure, since the credible amount of research is very scanty. Hence, your safest option is sticking to the middle ground.

  1. Do Not Restrict Yourself to the Topic Pass Rate

You must understand that a topic that may seemingly sound easy for everyone else may not interest you as much. Hence, choosing a topic that appeals to you the most in essential. Many students make the mistake of choosing a topic based on the pass rate only to go through extensive and arduous hours of writing.


The following topics for research have been implemented for students doing ACCA thesis. This list is approved and followed by quite a few institutions, both locally and globally. Hence, picking out a topic becomes fairly easier to choose a topic that you are interested in. Make sure that you shortlist the topics by checking how much research you can find related to them.

Topic 1: An analysis and evaluation of an organization budgetary control system and its links with performance management and decision making.

Topic 2: An evaluation of how the introduction of a new technology can assist an organization in achieving its business objectives.

Topic 3: An assessment of the potential impact of an aspect of impending legislation on the operations and financial position of an organization.

Topic 4: A review of the business management and accounting issues of environmental costs of an organization.

Topic 5: An evaluation of the use of short term and long term Islamic financial instruments and their impact on the financial statements of an organization.

Topic 6: A critical review of key factors or indicators in the motivation of employees in an organization.

Topic 7: A critical evaluation of the restructuring of an organization ’s operational activities and the effect on the organization ’s financial performance.

Topic 8: An analysis and evaluation of the business and financial performance of an organization over a three-year period.

Topic 9: A critical evaluation of the planning and implementation of an information system in an organization.

Topic 10: A review of the effectiveness of the use of costing techniques within an organization.

Topic 11: An investigation into the financial and operational costs and benefits of the internal audit / internal review activities within an organization.

Topic 12: An investigation into the possible effects of a proposed accounting standard on the financial statements and business activities of an organization.

Topic 13: An evaluation of the contribution made by human resource activities to the attainment of business and financial objectives.

Topic 14: An appraisal of the business and financial objectives of a strategic investment decision made by an organization and its impact on key stakeholders.

Topic 15: An analysis and evaluation of the management of an organization’s working capital over a three-year period and its impact on the organization’s funding strategies.

Topic 16: A critical evaluation of the financial and operational risk management within an organization.

Topic 17: An assessment of the quality of the corporate governance within an organization and the impact on an organization’s key stakeholders.

Topic 18: A review of the marketing strategy of an organization and its effectiveness.

Topic 19: An analysis and evaluation of the financial and operational consequences of a Merger between two organization s or of the acquisition of one organization by another.

Topic 20: An assessment of an organization’s corporate social responsibility policies, including business ethics, and their impact on business practice and key stakeholders.

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